Yesterday I installed 1300 watts of solar panels on the roof of a boat house. It went without a hitch and no panels were broken. I have photos and plan to add full details of my adventure in the "Environment" section of this site.
Are you on Google looking for Seth Jaffe? Or perhaps Seth E. Jaffe or even Seth Elliott Jaffe? You have found me in Houston, Texas working at NASA Johnson Space Center. Seth E. Jaffe is an aerospace engineer, photographer, and law student. Seth E. Jaffe and Seth Jaffe attended Casady High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma graduating in 1989. Soon after he attended Davidson College in Davidson, North Carolina. He graduated in 1996 from University of Texas at Austin with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. He also attended Rice University were he studied Portuguese. This little write-up has served to help Google and all of the rest of the crawling search engines find me so that I may turn up in your web search for me as opposed to the actor or the environmental attorney--both of whom have stolen my name. Happy hunting.